Saturday, December 03, 2011

2nd cut completed.

Henry's curiosity gets the better of him.

We had a screening of the first cut for Jo Nolan, the Executive Producer at Screen South. It was at my house so I had to tidy up a bit, get rid of the baby parafanalia, brew a nice pot of tea and purchase some posh biscuits. I should have presented the film on a state of the art 52 inch plasma widescreen TV, but all I had was a 13 inch Macbook Pro laptop placed on the dining room table, still it did the job.

I think she was pleased with what she saw, though it's difficult to tell as I was sitting behind her at the bottom of the stairs. The main feedback I got back was basically to speed up the uncle's world once Henry had invaded. It was actually the best kind of feedback you can get, which is feedback that you actually understand and agree with.

The film without rolling end credits was coming in at 22:36, but most short film festivals prefer films to be under 20 minutes. So using little pockets of spare time between working and family commitments, I managed to cut out over 4 minutes in just a few days and I have to say, most of it is looking better for it. I'm pretty confident what is going to be in the final cut now, but I have to wait for the VFX team to build and animate the Voydarkatron before I continue.

Henry attempts to make friends with Raygo Rattlegum.

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