Friday, August 16, 2013

What's the difference between the original Drakkon master and the 20th anniversary remaster?

I thought I'd give you a better idea of the sheer difference in quality from the original U-Matic SP master copy of Drakkon to the eventual 2k academy remaster. 

As you can see from this chart below it is going to be a huge leap in terms of definition, and once color graded the picture is going to look amazing on a modern HD TV, computer screen, laptop, i-pad or even an i-pad mini. With a 2k Academy master, I have the choice to either keep the original standard 16mm ratio or crop the frame to fit 16:9. What do you think I should do? 

If you haven't yet supported our Indiegogo campaign to remaster Drakkon, we still need to raise another £150 ($242) to be able to complete the remastering, so don't be shy, check out the campaign here:

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Support the Indiegogo Campaign to restore Drakkon for it's 20th Anniversary

Well finally it's here, my first crowd-funding campaign! I thought I'd start small, see how it all works first before I launch anything too ambitious, so what better way than to raise £500 to remaster my very first 16mm film Drakkon for its 20th anniversary.

Please take a moment to check it out on Indiegogo and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. If enough of us get behind it, we can make the remastering of 'DRAKKON' happen!