Just in case you weren't aware, you can now purchase the latest version Final Cut Pro X on the Aps Store for a measly £199! Not only that, Color and Soundtrack are now built-in. You can also buy Compressor and Motion separately for £30 each. All in, it'll cost you less than £260!
Considering only a few years ago Final Cut Studio was £1,500, I'd say Apple are onto something very very good here. I just hope Adobe will do the same with their creative suite range of design, web and video applications.
I know there's been a bit of controversy over this latest version (nicknamed i-movie pro) as it has inherited many of the innovative layout and working patterns of i-movie, but Apple have obviously used i-movie as a platform to experiment with more intuitive editing techniques and have decided it is now the right time to make that change. Nobody likes change even though it is usually for the better and as all new software built from scratch, there will be much to improve and tweak. You only have to go back to the mid 1990's to remember film editors moaning about Avid and Media Composer (the latter of which even gave them a Steenbeck controller to make them feel safer). Give it a year or two and everybody will be wondering what all the fuss was about!
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