Monday, September 26, 2011

The Crew for Henry Bramble

It's always difficult to hire crew you have never worked with before, or to put it slightly differently, it's just easier to hire crew you have worked with before. There's always that fear that someone you have never worked with is going to turn out to be difficult, incompetent or on one occassion just plain weird, but if you have the balls (which I confess I often don't), it's healthier to change your crew from project to project  so that your work stays fresh and varied.

Despite several crew members already dropping out due to 'paid' opportunities and extended commitments (which unfortunately is a common problem when making a film with little money), I'm actually very excited by the team we are gathering for the shoot. It is turning out to be a healthy mix of old friends and new. Some are doing me a big favour and for others I hope the experience will help open some doors.

So far our crew consists of:

....more to follow!

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